Earlier this week, Crystal Brown and I recorded a
podcast. Having two different perspectives of what it means to be a college student,
we decided to explore a topic from our separate experiences. We discussed living
off campus versus living on campus. Living on campus, I know the advantages and
disadvantages that comes with it, while Crystal understands the pros and cons
of living off campus. We also included an article from mycollegeoptions.org
called “The
Great Debate: Living On-Campus vs. Off-Campus”.
Both of us studying graphic design means Crystal and I spend
much of our time together as we have so many overlapping classes. Having such a
small class of students in the design department means you get to know everyone
pretty quickly. Because of this, you can often forget just how different
everyone is and how different your lives are. The podcast focused on one large
difference between us that helped to show the many options a student has when
deciding to live while in college.
Having never done a podcast before this, the podcast had
some faults. Sometimes one of us did not sound as clear as we would have liked.
There are a few times we misspoke and messed up what we wanted to say. A couple
times while I was talking I forgot what I wanted to say and left long pauses of
silence or rambled on and had unnecessary dialogue. That being said, I believe the
podcast was overall successful. We covered a lot of points and had fun with it.
While we had different perspectives, I am sure there are
more we did not cover. Every person at Ohio Northern has their own reasons for
coming to the university and for choosing the living option they chose. It
would have been interesting to include more people in our discussion. This
would have helped to make sure all options were included in the decision-making
process when weighing your living options.
The podcast was not perfect and may not be appealing to
everyone, but I am happy with it. This was our first attempt at something new
and I believe we did a fairly good job. If nothing else, I had a good time
recording it.
You can listen to the podcast here.