Monday, March 12, 2018

Spring Break: Part 2 (Mostly Jumanji)

I am a genius. Give me all the awards. I called it. I saw the future. Before it even happened, I knew how I’d be spending my spring break. Everyone asked, wanted to know my big plans and I told them. I did absolutely nothing. Every day I woke up at 9:30 in the morning and just laid there knowing there was not a single thing I needed to do. I went downstairs, fed my cats and started reading. It was wonderful and simple.

I understand how extremely lucky I am to be able to do this. I know most students have a job back home or some even have families they take care of. These people have jobs and responsibilities and are adults. I applaud them. Those people are doing great and I am very happy they are earning money and handling situations. They are fantastic people, but that is not my situation.

What I did do is watch the new Jumanji movie. It was fantastic. I was worried because the original was so amazing that the possibility of a remake seemed immediately unlikeable. Do not get me wrong, the cast was a strong lineup. Every person in my family has a fondness for Jack Black, Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson. They are some pretty top-notch actors and comedians. That does not mean they automatically take precedence over the original cast.

That being said, I am happy to report the movie was a success in every way. It promised hilarity and the movie delivered. It promised an adventure and it was. The one thing it was not was a remake. The movie was more of a sequel to the original Jumanji movie. Realizing it made me very, very happy. During a particular scene, the movie paid homage to the original. It was small but meaningful. I almost missed it had I not been paying full attention. It was beautiful and gave me cold chills. Everyone deserves to see it. I hope anyone interested in seeing the movie gets to watch it and enjoys it as much as I did.

If you’ve seen it, tell me your thoughts. I would love to hear what you thought of it and whether or not you loved it. If you did not enjoy it as much as I do or at all, that is okay. I would be just as interested in hearing why that is.