Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Good Within the Bad

From talking to friends and reading other blog posts, it seems like this past week has been quite a mix of emotions and events, mine not excluded. Within the past two days, I have gone through a wide range of emotions, all mixing, mingling and overlapping. What a wild ride humans live. With everything going on, it can start to feel more and more difficult to point out all the great things going on in our lives. I just want to take a step back for a second and remind myself of the wonderful things I have going on right now.

Audrey and I have an authentic laugh.
On Saturday, the 21st, the Indian Student Association and the World Student Organization organized the festival of color, Holi. Originally, I didn’t want to go. I was in a bad mood and had things I thought were more important to do. I couldn’t imagine I’d have a good time throwing colorful powder at people and having it thrown back at me. I was wrong. My friend, Audrey, talked me into going. I think there will be very few times in my life when I’ll be able to be covered head to toe in colorful powder and not only have people expect it but encourage it. It was a good way to just have fun and be carefree if only for an hour. When I get to spend time with important people in my life, making such fun memories, how can things be all bad?

Alice, the mobster, secretly cleans Opie, the fat one.
I have the world’s cutest cats. It’s not even a competition. Sure, when I’m home and have an entire wardrobe of black, it gets tedious picking off endless amounts of white fur, but they can’t but to shed. Every day, my brother or mom sends me a picture of them (usually sleeping and usually where they shouldn’t be) and I can’t help but laugh. Opie is so fat and we’re pretty sure Alice was a mobster in a past life, but both are equally loveable. Knowing classes are going to be done soon and I’ll be able to be home and annoy them is a real motivator.

Since first reading it five years ago, the
book now carries many memories for me.
My ultimate cool factor is my love of books. There have been a few times in the past week where I’ve been able to pick up a book, flip to one of my favorite chapters, read it and feel just a little better. I have been able to categorize and remember many of the important events in my life by what book I was reading at the time or who I had shared the book with. I don’t need to reread the entire book, just a part and remind myself of all the great times/important people I associate it with.

We tend to remember and focus on all the negative things we have going on with us and I think it’s a fair thing to do sometimes. Not everything can be fantastic, happy-go-lucky every second of every day, but it’s times like when we believe nothing will ever get better when we need to remember all the good in our lives. For each of us, it’s something different and it’s important to recognize what those things are.