Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Art and Design: Juried Show Edition

This past weekend, ONU’s art and design students participated in a juried show. Now, you may be thinking, “But, Cheyenne, what is a juried show?” and to you, I say: it’s just a fancy name we’ve chosen to use to name our design competition. The name is very misleading. There was no jury, no one was on trial. There was one guest speaker who came in Saturday afternoon to give a lecture that judged the entered pieces. Supposedly, he chose an ultimate winner, but we have yet to hear who won.

And now you are probably thinking, “Well, Cheyenne, why wasn’t I invited to enter any pieces into the design competition? I can make art and want to be recognized for it,” and I believe you. I am sure you can make some fantastic art pieces and designs, but there was only one rule, two if you count having to be an ONU student. The one rule was that you had to have previously taken a design class. Any design class. So, if you met the one, or two if that’s the way to choose to think of it, requirement you could have entered a piece.

So now, you might be thinking, “I have taken a design class and would have loved to enter the competition! Why wasn’t I told about this before now?” Honestly, it’s a great question. My only response to your reasonable thought is a tidbit of consolation. I’m sorry you didn’t hear about the juried show before now but neither did the majority of art and design students.

Here of late, there has been a loss of communication between the faculty and students over in Wilson.  There has also seemed to be a decrease in engagement and participation within the building when referring to events. I believe the juried show is an appropriate step in the next direction for art and design faculty and students. Many who participated in the show entered several pieces. From my perspective and observation, the show was a big hit with the designers.

Hopefully, the juried show can become an annual event. I believe by doing it, students would get to experience and enjoy the artwork from each year’s designers. After the success, participation-wise, of the juried show, I believe it to be more likely for the students and faculty of the department to plan more events. I believe students would be more likely to participate in these future events because of the juried show.

So, if you have a minute, or just happen to be walking through, take some time to visit the Stambaugh gallery and look at the many wonderful pieces decorating the walls. And if you’re interested in it and have taken any design class, I hope we will be doing the show again next year and encourage you to submit.