Sunday, March 4, 2018

Chapter 4: Twitter

In order to properly use Twitter, you must first understand how to use it. Jason McDonald uses the chapter to provide an extensive step-by-step explanation of how to use the platform. While most of the information is simple and self-explanatory, there were still a few helpful tips included in the chapter.

I have had a Twitter account for less than six months. The only time I have actually used my account was for our live streaming homework. Even then, I was unsure how to use Twitter and the expectations needed for using it. A month later and I am still not an avid user. I have not tweeted anything since. It is because of my lack of use that I am still learning new things about the platform. In Chapter 4, McDonald explains the ability a user has to pin posts to their profile page. I believe this is a unique and effective tool. By choosing posts that best reflect the user's profile, those who search the page will be able to immediately see the posts that best sums up the company/user.

When looking at different pages, I typically do not look too far into their pages. Within the first couple of posts, I can get a sense of whether or not I want to follow the page. By pinning the best or most communicative posts at the very top of the page, a user will have access to the best of the page’s posts. For the company or user, this will give the illusion that every post they share will have the same impact and interest as the ones they choose to pin to the top of their pages. This could help gather more followers by seeming to be constantly entertaining and likable.

Twitter can be a great social media when used correctly. Like the best platforms, Twitter combines the use of text, pictures and hashtags. Instagram is a great way to share photos, which is the best way to grab a viewer’s attention but becomes less effective when every post’s hierarchy is centered around the use of a picture. Twitter allows for variation between posts. Pictures become more meaningful and text posts become more appreciated. By understanding the importance a post carries for a company, a better-informed decision can be made to increase the number of followers the page receives

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